Dr Double D

I would like to introduce you to Dr Double D, your faithful pandemic companion! At 90mm tall, he's the perfect size to sit on your desk or your favourite shelf to keep an eye on you. Not only is he a very talented plague doctor but, thanks to the local scribe confusing his gs and qs, he's also an excellent dentist! Well, it's always handy to have an extra string to your bow and whilst plagues come and go, plaque is forever! He is a rather dapper chap, and his cloak is fastened with a tiny hand sewn Dorset button.

Your very own Dr Double D will be crocheted to order by hand, by myself. He is a rather dapper chap, and his cloak is fastened with a tiny hand sewn Dorset button also made by myself. Whilst he is very well versed in certain nursery rhymes, he is not a toy and is for display purposes only. His pattern has been designed by the very talented Darya of GuruAmiToys, and is used with her very kind permission. This and her other patterns can be found here.

Availability: This product is no longer in stock


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